"To you women of today who are old or young, may I suggest to you that you write, that you keep journals, that you express your thoughts on paper. Writing is a great discipline. It is a tremendous education effort. It will assist you in various ways, and you will bless the lives of many-now and in the years to come, as you put on paper some of your experiences and some of your musings"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

10 Things I am grateful for this Thanksgiving

10 things I am thankful for…

1. good restaurants. I love to eat out! I absolutely love to eat out. It is the highlight of my week. If the restaurant has Coke instead of Pepsi then I am even happier.

2. Hair - it looks weird to have “hair” at the top of my list, but it’s true. I finally feel like I am back to normal. 2 years ago, I was totally bald. Last year, my hair was short and curly. This year, its right where I want it. Who knows, maybe I will let it keep growing-why? Because I can. I have hair that grows. If someone told me years ago that I would be grateful for my hair, I wouldn’t believe them. If someone said I would be wearing flowers in my hair too, I wouldn’t believe them either!

3. A washer and dryer. Like many moms out there, laundry can consume our entire week. If I had to wash everything by hand with a washboard and then hang it out to dry; I think I would break down so badly that Kyle would have to institutionalize me. I break down a lot over laundry- it could be worse.

4. A sink disposal. A few weeks ago, our sink disposal broke. This mishap turned our lives upside down. Okay, that statement might be a slight exaggeration; but man, oh, man, life was not pretty. We could not keep up on the dishes. Washing them by hand felt so foreign and old-fashioned.

5. air-freshners. Have you smelled my sons lately? Not pretty. Just pretty smelly. Awhile back, Conner came home from school smelling really funky. I couldn’t pin point where the smell was coming from. This bad odor continued on for nearly a week. He smelled like cat pooh. No joke! It smelled like cat crap. I finally found where the smell was coming from- his shoes. I nearly passed out when I took a whiff of them. A little bleach and the washing machine corrected the problem. The ironic thing about this was that at the time Conner was in Mr. Zani’s class. If you know Mr. Zani, you know that he likes air-freshners (an uderstatement). Could it be possible that he was just covering up my kid’s bad odor? Ha ha.

6. Text messaging. If you text, then you know why I am grateful for texting.

7. Harmons. I love Harmons. Someone once said that Harmons is like the Nordstroms of grocery stores. Going to Harmons is not a task but an experience. Love it!

8. My family. Of course, I am thankful for my family. I have such a loving and supportive family. This also includes extended family and in-laws. For the past few years on fathers’ day and mothers’ day, Kyle’s parents and mine combine for Sunday dinner. Its not common to hear of this arrangement. But I’m sure more people would do it if their family was as small as ours.

9. My friends. Some of my dear friends I consider as my sisters. They are the sisters I never had.

10. The gospel. Sounds so cliché, but its true. The church rocks!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Night: Trick or Treat and Ute Game

While Kyle, Conner and I were at the game, Lilly trick or treated with her friend Elizabeth. Max went with Grandma Gum and with his friend Isaac. After he came home from trick or treating, he decided that he should go again-but without grandma. Grandma was so scared that she lost Max, but luckily he was just across the street.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Utah Game!

We had a blast at the UTE game last night- Halloween night. Conner had an especially great time. He's been begging us to go to a game for the longest time. Lucky for us we have great friends who gave us some of their tickets. Thanks Jill and Brandon! We had 4th ROW seats by the end zone. It was so cool to see the players up close. The UTES won!

We were very lucky and not so lucky that night too! We found a parking spot close to trax but not so lucky because we didn't have cash to buy a trax ticket. We were lucky when we asked the security guard where the nearest ATM was and he said we could just get on without paying. We were lucky to arrive just in time for kick-off but not so lucky when we had no cash to buy a churro for Conner. We were lucky to find our Discover card to buy popcorn and a drink. When I handed the card to the employee she went to the back to swipe the card, while Conner and I started EATING THE POPCORN. When she came back, she said, "sorry, we don't take Discover Card". Sorry for her, we already started eating the popcorn. It was so sad to see Conner's face when the gal dragged the popcorn bucket away from him. When we returned to our seats to tell Kyle the embarrassing news, our good friend friend, Brandon dropped us a $20 and saved the day! Conner got popcorn (not the same bucket), a drink and a CHURRRRRRO !!!